
Since the pandemic began in March last year, I’ve taken the public transport only a couple of times. The drudgery is enough to make one realize that the Filipino commuters are made up of one very hardy and resilient group of people who have long realized the only way to get through this on a daily basis is to kill one’s ability to be enraged and to resign oneself to that quiet acceptance that the government they’ve put in power to lead them is made up of a bunch of incompetent, heartless, corrupt, and uncaring people.

As for the people in government, they can rejoice all they want as they have finally killed what is left of the spirit of the Filipino; no one is going to be interested in making this administration accountable for the mess we are in.

The Filipino people have been duped by this government, again. And for this, the poor, as has always been the case, have to suffer.

Maybe, we as a people will find redemption in the after life, where God and his angels will meet us in paradise, trumpets ablaring.